what is high functioning alcoholic

The longer you live with AUD, the higher drug addiction treatment your risk of developing complications that can lead to death. According to 2020 data by the CDC, nearly 30,000 people died that year from alcoholic liver disease (cirrhosis). If people with high functioning AUD do not get treatment, the disease may progress to a point at which their dependence significantly impacts their day-to-day lives. It can lead to liver disease, pancreatitis, some forms of cancer, brain damage, serious memory loss, and high blood pressure. It also makes someone more likely to die in a car wreck or from murder or suicide.

what is high functioning alcoholic

Support Your Recovery

what is high functioning alcoholic

A high-functioning alcoholic may hide their alcohol abuse for years without suffering any major losses. Under the surface, this form of alcoholism can cause severe psychological and emotional damage to the alcoholic and also their loved ones.. A high-functioning alcoholic is someone who maintains the appearance of normalcy while secretly battling alcohol dependence. These individuals are often able to excel in their careers, maintain social connections, and fulfill their responsibilities, making it difficult for others to recognize the depth of their problems.

what is high functioning alcoholic

Challenges in Marriages and Partnerships with High-Functioning Alcoholics

It does not necessarily “treat” AUD but can help people with AUD cope. Unfortunately, being in denial will only prevent you from getting early treatment for alcoholism. These numbers do not include people who have died in alcohol-related accidents or violence, so the overall number is likely much higher. In addition, since the impact of AUD may not be as obvious, the person may be unable to recognize the severity of their condition in these early stages. It can also ultimately lead to relationship difficulties as well as legal and financial problems.

High-Functioning Alcoholism, Explained

what is high functioning alcoholic

The first step for most people is detox, which means quitting alcohol. A detox may take place at a hospital or inpatient facility, such as high functioning alcoholic rehab. The NIAAA offers a range of assessment tools and strategies to help people understand their drinking patterns, reduce their drinking, or quit completely. It is important to note that these signs may not be obvious to a loved one or friend.

what is high functioning alcoholic

In this article, we’ll explore the definition, signs, and complexities of high-functioning alcoholism. Let’s dive deeper into what it means to be a high-functioning alcoholic and how to recognize the =https://ecosoberhouse.com/ signs. For example, you might imagine an “alcoholic” as someone who is constantly near-blackout drunk, and someone who’s unable to maintain a job or family life. However, this and other related misnomers such as “functional alcoholic” are no longer used because of the potential stigma that can prevent someone from seeking help.

The consequences of alcohol use aren’t as severe in someone with functioning alcoholism, at least not at the moment. When people talk about alcoholism, they are actually referring to someone who has an alcohol use disorder. Alcoholism is not an official diagnosis, but it is a commonly used term. There are also subtypes of alcoholism, one of which is functional alcoholism. People can have a varied reaction and tolerance to alcohol and that doesn’t necessarily mean they are alcoholics.

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